Book Review of Our Wild and Precious Lives by A.G.Russo

Book: Our Wild and Precious Lives
  • Author: A.G. Russo
  • Print Length: 391 pages
  • Publisher: Red Skye Press (August 20, 2014)
  • ASIN: B00MW552LS

Book Description:
In 1960 Cold War Germany, Tom and Melly McCarron, teenage Army brats, contend with adolescence on a small American base near Bavaria, where their father, a decorated war veteran, begins a three-year tour of duty. As tensions in Berlin rise between the Allies and the Soviets, and threaten to bring about World War III, the base teenagers forge bonds of loyalty and love stronger than any of the adults understand.

Leaving New York on a night flight to Germany, the quiet, thoughtful Tom, and feisty, emotional Melly, are apprehensive about life in a foreign land. While they will attend the American high school in Würzburg, brother and sister realize they are the only stability each has had in their young lives. They also leave behind the sole adult they came to trust, their Aunt Deeny, a librarian who introduced them long ago to a way to cope with life's ups and downs—reading and books.

Confronting the overwhelming challenges of making new friends, adjusting to a foreign environment, and enrolling in yet another school, they also must endure their abusive father and moody war bride mother. But they are not fully aware of how their father's wartime experiences and sacrifices have left him scarred. Relying on their inner strength and resilience, they navigate the boundaries of military dependents—American teenagers with the same needs, yearnings and heartbreak as any of their generation.

Book Review:
Brittany Perez ( Oh My Bookness )
November 30,2014

An engaging story that will speak to young adults, filled with historical fact and romance this is a historical fiction that reaches out to a generation moving through an enormous changes. The WWII generation within the early 60s.  

Seeing a life through Army Brats, a perspective that is not as common as one would think. Following the bond between teens of the era, friends through understanding and similar circumstances and the path to finding love. 

There will be those who will be able to relate to the strength of a bond between brother and sister and those who will get to see beyond and a look at hardships of trials and tribulations of being part of a family who's lives been effected by war. A perception of events seen through the eyes of teenagers, not all could completely understand because not all experienced but one cannot trivialize either. 

A story that will reach out to a wide range from YA to adults alike, a story for the generations.

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